Brother & Sister

So we’re way behind on our blog posts; it’s been a busy fall, with school for both kids (that they both love), visits from many grandparents and aunt Ashly, soccer, ballet & music classes, exploring our new hood while visiting the old one lots with family adventures around Westchester and Manhattan, working on Kid On The Town, and too many dr appointments for Max – DNA tests were inconclusive, sleep study (i.e. movie night with Dad) showed moderate sleep apnea, a sleep endoscopy showed his lingual tonsils had to be removed and his epiglottis stitched.

He had that surgery Monday and was a trooper like always and back to school on Wednesday, though he has been upset that he hasn’t been able to have fish oil and really mad he can’t eat pretzel crisps or other hard foods that Julie keeps talking about. Today he is back on his regular diet and we are off to Florida, escaping some bitter cold and excited to see Mark’s family. Overall he and Julie are doing great and talking and growing so much. Julie loves to jump and dance and just moved to a (pink) big girl bed. She knows what she wants and will insist on it, sometimes with very dramatic tantrums. Max is reading on his own and so good at math; Julie has some books memorized and she loves to ‘read’ and she count with vigor if not always accuracy. They are the best of friends – when they’re not fighting over who gets to brush his or her teeth first (or whatever) and we love listening to their conversations and some of the things they argue about:

Set lists (in the Neiman Marcus kids department).

Pajama spacesuits. We thought about cropping the end off but this is pretty typical.

Whose birthday it is. Max is obsessed with dates and calendars and has been very excited about going to Florida on Saturday. I tried to get a video of him talking about it but it turned into something else that made me laugh.

We have been taking lots of great photos; hope to post them soon!

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