Almost ready…

We went to the OB on Thursday and got a sonogram showing that the baby’s head is facing down and has dropped pretty low, so he or she could be coming any day now…or not for another few weeks. The doctor thought Brittney looked small still so she went to the hospital for a more detailed sonogram on Friday and learned that baby is 6 pounds, within normal range but a little low (22nd percentile). So she has been eating lots of yummy food to try to fatten the baby up a bit. Friday night we went out for an Ethiopian meal, followed by Japanese cupcakes and Italian gelato at an outdoor HD opera broadcast. This weekend we also got massages, had a fancy lunch at Jean-Georges, and watched some (or maybe a lot of) college football.

Mark has been getting ready to be a dad by assembling items for the nursery and strollers. Here are two photos of the baby’s room; there are more at We think we have everything we need for at least the first few weeks. Now we are just waiting to welcome Shlomo/Shlomette (we looked away during parts of the sonogram and still don’t know the gender).

A fun bookshelf and toy chest/bench guarded by one of many stuffed animal friends
A fun bookshelf and toy chest/bench guarded by one of many stuffed animal friends
Sleep Time
Sleep Time - crib & bassinet (which we know we don't really need but Mark fell in love with it - it rocks and plays lullabies)
38 weeks
38 weeks


1 comment

  1. you look gracefully pregnant, even at the end. i bet baby will like the bassinet as a newborn. it took us a while to ease into the crib for some reason. it just seemed better to have them snuggled in something smaller like their car seats or their portable crib. i’ve heard that some babies sleep best in rocking swings, so a rocking bassinet seems perfect.

    hopefully you aren’t worrying about the ultrasound estimates. remember the estimates that we got 2 days before the girls were born- sophie was supposed to be 6lbs 9oz, but came out at 5lbs 1oz. breanne was supposed to be 4lbs 13oz, but came out 5lbs 4oz.

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