Happy Birthday Mark!

The kids were very exited about their Daddy’s brithday on December 1, telling everyone about it during the weeks before. I was going to update this blog for a birthday present, but due to technical difficulties it’s a Christmas present instead. I have gotten over 10,000 photos from the last two years on to our computer and organized, so expect more blog posts soon.

The night before Mark’s birthday, the grown-ups went to sushi in Manhattan and had fun walking around the Bryant Park holiday market. On the actual day, the kids helped me make molten chocolate peanut butter cakes (that we served with homemade ice cream).



Baking with kids – fun but messy.
It was a great party, though we couldn’t arrange for a visit from these guys (UGA dogs as Julie calls them), who celebrated Mark’s 40th with him.

We are big on birthdays (and like excuses to make and eat dessert). For Julie’s half birthday in November, she wanted to take cupcakes to school and have her class sing to her but we talked her in to cupcakes made in a mug at home. She is very proud to tell everyone she is 3 1/2 now. And Max just turned 6 1/4, so of course we made cupcakes and sang again.

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