NYC Baby

Max went to the pediatrician on October 20th and weighed in at impressive 8 lbs 1 oz. Afterwards we celebrated with a cheeseburger at Shake Shak. He is getting nice and chubby and starting to develop a double chin and sausage legs and arms.

Friday we visited a pediatric ENT because Max sometimes sounds like he has trouble breathing. We were relieved to learn the problem was just a mild case of laryngomalacia (a floppy airway in his throat) that he should outgrow within a few months. And his weight is now 8 lbs 12 oz. Keep eating those cheeseburgers!
Lunching with the ladies
lunching with the ladies
Each week Max meets new friends and explores new neighborhoods of NYC.

The Radio City Rockettes have been rehearsing around the corner from our apartment, so Max has been meeting them for lunch. He doesn’t know how lucky he is to be cooed over by so many beautiful women.
Now that Aunt Courtney moved from Switzerland to Halifax, Canada, she was able to come meet Max. She provided lots of help, doing nighttime feedings, cooking and cuddling. When she was younger, Courtney made her family and friends stage fashion shows, and Max obliged her by going through five outfits in one night when she was taking care of him.

Max had already been to the Modern Museum of Art with Brittney and a neighbor baby, and checked out the Metropolitan Museum of Art with his favorite Aunt (sorry other siblings…you have to come visit to be in the running). Which museum did he like better? It’s hard to say, he slept through them both.
We also had some nice walks in Central Park with the whole family, enjoying the colorful autumn leaves.


Of course there are many more photos of our growing boy.

Photos from Utah Shower

Our move to our new apartment last week went extremely smoothly, thanks to the help of friends and family and Mark’s tireless efforts over the three-day weekend. Everything is unpacked and organized, and we have even decorated a little. The nursery has a few items in it already, and the crib is arriving tomorrow.

We are little behind on our posting, so here are some photos from the Utah baby shower (thanks to Casey), with more at this link:

The extended Jensen family at Brittney's shower in Utah
The extended Jensen family at Brittney's shower in Utah
Aunt Janet, the amazing hostess, my wonderful Grandma Beth, and some of the adorable presents from them
Aunt Janet, the amazing hostess, my wonderful Grandma Beth, and some of the adorable presents from them
Cousins-to-be in Grandma Beth's beautiful backyard
Cousins-to-be in Grandma Beth's beautiful backyard