Careers For Max?

As Max gets more opinionated and independent, we sometimes wonder what he will be when he grows up. Perhaps a bond trader like his dad? He liked playing with the phones when we visited Mark’s trading floor one day.
Taking a break from buying and selling for a nose kiss.
Though he was little disappointed that Youtube was one of Cantor’s blocked websites and he couldn’t watch Schoolhouse Rock videos on one of the seven screens.
Maybe a taxi driver?
He’s also pretty good at hailing taxis. Sometimes when we’re on the sidewalk and he gets tired of walking he tries to flag one down.
Maybe a hair model? We keep getting his hair cut and it keeps growing back curlier and crazier.
Practicing his modeling poses in the mirror we set up by his new play table – he loves staring at himself, especially with his shirt off.
Or perhaps an interpretive dancer? He often goes over to the CD player, turns it on, finds mommy and daddy wherever we are and commands us to “dan.” As you can see from this video, his moves consists mostly of swaying side to side with an occasional turn around. But he always livens it up with a piece of clothing as a prop. If there aren’t any jackets or laundry lying around he takes off his shirt.
More of the same moves.
Or he dances with the shirt on his face, another interesting aesthetic choice.
Another nose kiss break.
Or a musician? He liked playing the piano with Nonna in Irvine.
Maybe he should stick to being an audience member. He would be a great groupie, he loves watching live music, especially if it involves a pretty girl playing violin.
He is an excellent applauder, though often it’s for himself when he does exciting things like throw coins in a fountain at a museum.
Maybe an artist? He enjoyed painting at a trial art class last week. His preferred medium at home is sticker collages. Sometimes he rips the heads off snowmen or Elmo for a postmodern effect.
Or a hat-maker? Here’s a fine party-hat he created at a Latin Christmas celebration at a local museum.
We are excited to see what Max’s future holds. In about 4 months he will start his life-long career as a big brother. At 20 weeks, the new baby is not as photogenic as his or her older brother (we’re keeping the gender a surprise again), but looking healthy at 12 ounces.
During every ultrasound the baby has been very active, somersaulting around Brttney’s tummy, so we don’t have the best photos, but here are a few:
Ultrasound images of baby #2
Click here for more photos of Max

20 Weeks

We had our 20 week ultrasound/anatomy scan on May 5th.  Everything looks really good. We saw really amazing detail, and they said all the organs, bones, fingers, toes etc. look perfect. The ultrasounds said the baby’s spine could be in a textbook. It is almost a full person now with all the parts, it was weird to see pictures of that inside me. Still haven’t felt any kicking yet though, probably in the next week or two. We decided to keep the gender a surprise (though Mark has a feeling it will be a girl).


20 weeks
What a cute face!
