Happy Easter!

We (or at least three of us) were very excited for Easter festivities this year. We had some friends over to help us decorate eggs and add some lovely blue splotches to our rug.


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As eagerly anticipated, the Easter Bunny came by our apartment Sunday morning to hide some eggs. Both kids were really into finding eggs, though both stopped to open and eat the contents of plastic eggs and Julie took dance breaks with the beloved bunny Anna gave her in Atlanta.

The Easter Bunny hid eggs all over our apartment, including 2 on our couch


Julie loves the bunny Anna gave her in Atlanta

Each egg had a letter or picture with it; together they said their baskets were in the shoe closet.


Where are the baskets?

Max was excited about a book featuring his favorite planet, Saturn, but Julie was mostly interested in chocolate eggs, which she ate with one bite and now asks for every day though they have long all been eaten.

He got a book with his favorite planet, Saturn


Then one of our favorite NYC traditions, the Easter Bonnet Parade. Julie was not that into wearing her hat, while Max wanted to borrow others’ creations.

Julie did not want to wear her hat





Still not liking the hat

She only wore it briefly while holding her basket to balance it out.



We saw some crazy hats. Julie liked one with rubber duckies, Brittney loved the Broadway-show inspired collection (can you find Chitty Chiity Bang Bang?).

Tried to get a photo of Julie with this guy but she would not go near him,


Until it moved

Brittney's favorite - hats representing Broadway shows

A family from Max’s school hosted an awesome Easter Egg hunt in Central Park.



Julie had lots of fun with her egg-collector/necklace/purse and still wants to play with her ‘purple basket’ everyday.





Or purse?

After the egg hunt, the party went on with bbq and playground time.


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That evening we had our eggs in oatmeal-carrot nests but Julie just wanted to eat her entire chocolate bunny.


I made carrot/oatmeal eggs nests



Holidays are so much fun with these kids. Looking forward to celebrating Julie’s birthday this week,

Circus, Chocolate & Nonna

Last April, Mark had big plans to take Max to his first circus, but Max had to go to California for his great-grandma’s funeral. So we were excited when Mark’s work gave us tickets to go to the Big Apple Circus at Lincoln Center during Nonna’s visit.
Before the show Max had lots of fun hanging out on Nonna and Daddy’s laps and watching the bigger kids around us.

Unfortunately the performance was the day after Mark had his sleep-apnea-causing tonsils & uvula removed and his deviated septum fixed, so Mark was once again denied a full circus experience with Max. He did make it through the first act. Max lasted the entire two hours, even though it was way past his bedtime. He was absolutely enthralled by the clowns, trapeze artists, and goats and puppies on horseback.

Nonna and Max also went to their first NYC Chocolate Show, where chocolatiers from around the world sell (and sample) their creations. We liked looking at trains and crazy outfits made out of chocolate and trying lots of fun treats. Max got a little overwhelmed, but was pretty happy to try some amazing chocolate hazelnut spread.

The weather has been fantastic, so Max and Nonna took a few trips to the playground while Brittney took care of Mark, who is doing fine but is still in a lot of pain. Max liked to play in the sandbox while Nonna sprinkled leaves around him.
Max had so much fun playing, snuggling, and talking to Nonna:
Video of Max and Nonna discussing their day
We’re looking forward to seeing Nonna and the rest of Brittney’s family at Christmas (and maybe eating more chocolate – Max still hasn’t tried any See’s Candy).
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